

We understand safe and affordable health care can be challenging for the trans+ community. We hope you will find support from our UMKC and community resources.

jars of cotton swabs and other medical equipment on the counter at the Student Health Center



UMKC室内健康 is committed to providing quality health care for all students, including those who identify as transgender. We are aware that transgender individuals are often inadequately served by the health-care community. Roo健康 is here to care for you and your concerns. We are a safe space to discuss any and all health issues and concerns.

  • Ongoing training in transgender issues for all Student Health Center staff and providers
  • Working with UMKC Division of 学生事务 with the chosen name process in 通路 to have preferred name on your medical records
  • Paperwork modification for inclusivity of all individuals from all backgrounds, including those who identify as transgender
  • Providing an all-gender bathroom within the clinic

We aspire to expand our skills to meet the distinct needs of our transgender students. If any needs of a student is beyond our current skills, our nurse practitioners can refer students to specialists in the community to promote and improve the care you deserve. 此外,Roo健康还邀请 反馈 from transgender individuals and the community on ways we can continue to improve our services.



的 UMKC咨询中心 fosters the psychological well-being, personal development and educational potential of our diverse student, 教师, 员工和校园社区. Although our staff are not able to provide WPATH support, they remain committed to ensuring our trans+ community is supported at UMKC. 的 Counseling Center provides confidential and limited free sessions to all UMKC students who need help adjusting to campus life or meeting their academic goals.

Learn more about UMKC咨询中心

UMKC Community Counseling and Assessment 服务

UMKC Community Counseling and Assessment 服务 (CCAS) is committed to providing a variety of affordable counseling and assessment services to greater Kansas City. 的ir counselors combine education, research and a sincere passion for their work to help you meet your goals and potential. CCAS can assist trans+ individuals with WPATH support and charge based on a sliding-scale fee structure for students or households with limited income.



Anthem Student Advantage health insurance plan covers hormone replacement therapy (HRT). If you are enrolled in the student health insurance plan and have questions regarding LGBTQIA + coverage, 请联系 Roo健康 预约. 在那次约会中, you and the nurse practitioner can open discussion on your needs and the services Roo健康 can offer.

Learn more about student health insurance

Kansas City Trans+-Inclusive Health-Care Providers


大学健康 is committed to providing comprehensive and sensitive care to the LGBTQIA + community in a welcoming and affirming setting. Providers from five disciplines collaborate to provide top-quality, gender-affirming care to LGBTQIA + patients. 的ir team consists of a primary care physician, 内分泌学家, 一个心理学家, 一个药剂师和一个护士. From preventive care to chronic disease or sexual health monitoring and STD and HIV testing, 他们的团队有能力提供帮助.

Learn more about 大学健康

的 LGBT-Affirmative 的rapist Guild of Greater Kansas City

的 LGBT-Affirming 的rapist Guild of Kansas City is a community-based, grassroots organization of licensed mental and medical health-care professionals, 还有正在培训的学生. 的y share a collaborative commitment to make affirming, culturally competent health care available for all sexual and gender minorities based on the premise that LGBTQIA + and heterosexual identities are equally valid.



Family Health Care (FHC) is a nonprofit safety net clinic that provides health services on a sliding scale for those who do not have insurance. 的y focus on caring for those who have the fewest options — people with HIV and serious illnesses, pregnant women and other populations in need.



的 mission of KC CARE is to promote health and wellness by providing quality care, 访问, research and education to the underserved and all people in the community.

了解更多关于KC CARE