The story of the pg电子 is one of obstacles becoming opportunities. 这是一个战胜混乱的故事. It’s a testament to the power of partnerships – where the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts.

The small group of 260 students who began classes at then University of Kansas City (UKC) on Oct. 1, 1933 paved the way for the more than 135,000 graduates who have joined our alumni ranks. 在开业那天, 2人以上,000 community members celebrated our campus' beginning in what would become a hallmark of this university's story: civic engagement.

Our university's history is far more than the mile markers of buildings and programs. 而是关于那些创立它的人. 那些一砖一瓦地建造它的人. 那些支持它的人. 那些在学校里做出改变的人. And those who have left its grounds to make their mark on the world.


讲述UMKC的故事, 让我们从20世纪20年代末开始, when the country and economy were reeling from the Wall Street crash. 尽管如此, Kansas City's leaders were determined to move forward and cement the region's future with several bold moves — thus establishing a never-ending mission to provide education in order to supply the city with working professionals who would give back to the community.

One of the first bold moves was local businessman and philanthropist William Volker's 40-acre purchase in 1930 that would become the UKC campus. 在短短的几年里, 英国大学建立了第一个图书馆, 教室, 自助餐厅和行政办公室-都设在 迪基大厦 即今天的斯科菲尔德庄园.


而20世纪30年代则是大萧条时期, Volker and Kansas City leaders continued to celebrate huge milestones and growth for its newly established university. 主要亮点包括:

  • 1933: UKC is officially dedicated on October 1 with 260 students and 18 faculty
  • 1934年:蓝色和金色被确定为官方学校的颜色
  • 1936: 80 students become the first graduating class of UKC and the Alumni Association 建立了
  • 1937: The Kangaroo, drawn by Walt Disney, becomes the official mascot of UKC



在接下来的二十年里, 英国大学因欢迎法学院而成为头条新闻, 哪个是1895年开始的, and establishing the UKC School of Dentistry and the School of Pharmacy. 随着第二次世界大战的结束,入学人数也激增.


  • 1941年:斯温尼体育馆在校园开放
  • 1945: President Harry Truman receives UKC's first honorary degree on the Quad
  • 1946年:战后入学人数在一年内激增60%
  • 1947年:英国大学向所有种族的学生开放


  • 1953年:工商管理学院成立 KCUR 开始播放
  • 1954: The School of Education is founded and intercollegiate athletics kick off with the Kangaroos basketball opener against Rockhurst College
  • 1955: Ground is broken for a new, four-story brick dormitory and Greek life 建立了 on campus
  • 1955年:埃莉诺·罗斯福在大学剧院演讲
  • 1959: The Kansas City Conservatory of Music, established in 1906, joins UKC


接下来的二十年是政治意识日益增强的时期, 学生和女权运动, 文化趋势和环保主义. In 1963, 在做了三十年的私人机构之后, 英国大学的金融不稳定导致它成为欧盟的一部分 密苏里大学系统,其中包括:

  • 密苏里-哥伦比亚大学
  • 密苏里大学圣路易斯分校. 路易(UMSL)
  • 密苏里科技大学&T)
  • pg电子(UMKC)

在大学的历史性变革之后, 随后继续取得进展, with the construction of several halls and the Miller Nichols Library. UMKC的其他主要进展包括:


  • 1964: The Missouri Repertory Theatre is started and is the home of the UMKC professional theater in residence
  • 1967年:家庭中心, 后来更名为妇女委员会, 是由玛莎·简·斯塔尔创立的, 入学人数增加到近8人,500名学生
  • 1968年:罗伯特·F. Kennedy Symposium 建立了; the principal speaker is Muhammed Ali
  • 1969年:非裔美国学生会(TAASU)成立
  • 1970年:医学院成立,有40名学生
  • 1978年:超过600名非裔美国学生在密苏里大学堪萨斯分校注册
  • 1979年:护理学院成立,詹姆斯C. 奥尔森表演艺术中心



在整个20世纪80年代至90年代,UMKC在几个领域稳步增长. From growing relations with Asian countries to the rapidly changing technology, 这所大学庆祝了许多激动人心的成就.


  • 1985: Construction on a multi-purpose facility is started at Swinney Recreation Center, 基础生命科学学院, 后来更名为生物科学学院, 建立了
  • 1986: The UM Board of Curators approves UMKC moving to the NCAA, and Henry W. 布洛赫提供了一笔捐赠来支持和命名商学院
  • 1987: Men's and women's basketball teams play in NCAA Division I for the first time
  • 1988年:多元文化学生事务办公室成立
  • 1991年:UMKC成为堪萨斯城首批回收点之一
  • 1993年:第一夫人希拉里·克林顿访问医院山
  • 1999年:UMKC获得卡内基二级研究地位


Although the markets and economy tumbled, this decade marked significant growth for UMKC. 通过公共和私人伙伴关系, the university opened several new residence halls to accommodate the growing undergraduate student body and the desire for an on-campus college experience.


  • 2001年:计算机与工程学院成立
  • 2003: The LGBT Office 建立了 to serve gay, lesbian and transgender students
  • 2004: Oak Hall opens on the Volker campus as a new suite-style residence hall
  • 2007年:健康科学大楼在医院山开放
  • 2009年:赫尔曼和多萝西约翰逊宿舍开放, the UMKC Foundation 建立了 and the Durwood Soccer Stadium and Recreational Field opens


  • 2010: UMKC experiences a dramatic increase in enrollment — rising to 13,500名学生,新增10名,000平方英尺的学生会开放
  • 2013: UMKC is ranked a Best Value College for the second consecutive year by the Princeton Review, and two new buildings open on campus: The Miller Nichols Learning Center and the Henry Bloch Executive Hall for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • 2015:荣誉学院更名为荣誉学院
  • 2018年:一个新的零售和公寓结构在51号开业st 和橡树街, and crews break ground on a new research center for the School of Computing and Engineering



UMKC has come a long way since 1929, and we have no plans of slowing down any time soon. 今天, UMKC是独一无二的, thriving university spread across two campuses — and a place that thousands of students from all 50 states and more than 85 countries call their home away from home.

参观校园 亲眼看看是什么造就了今天的堪萨斯大学.

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